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Ready to Write Again
I haven’t written a CREATIVE word for nearly 10 months. The soul suffers; I laugh less. The creative urges spill out in other ways, though, mostly in bad habits.

Anti-Heroes in Hollywood Movies
This new round of violent anti-heroes includes none of that broad humor, and precise little character humor.

Waiting for Some Dragon Action
Use low-magic – charms or wards or hexes or spells or scripts – to the delight of the reader without overwhelming the plot.

Unrequited Love is the Key
A female hero succeeds when she finds a protector while she goes about producing the next generation. A guy hero succeeds when he rides off into the sunset to the next adventure.

There are Always Horses in Fantasy
No matter how exotic the wild animals or domesticated animals, horses are everywhere.

Girl Heroes in Fantasy and Violence
Why are we turning girl-heroes, first offered as liberating role models for our younger generation, into killing machines? When did this trend start?

Passing: a White Girl’s Movie Review
Irene is safe within her mannered choices, but she doesn’t feel safe.

5 Mistakes with Dialogue: Emerging Writers
Don’t be afraid to lengthen the story with these delicious scenes that can include silent communications, exposed secrets, layers of realism, and immediacy.

Gertrude Bell Deserves Better
We get a fresh version of Pride and Prejudice every year, so why not a truthful account of this unconventional woman and her many accomplishments?

7 Writer Tips: Characters in Conflict
Playwrights remove all the exposition –the explaining by the writer – leaving only words and gestures of characters.