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The Matrix Opal

BOOK one of the Duchy Wars

The Matrix Opal presents the adventures of Bybiis the Beastmaster as she grows into her talents and struggles to find her place among the tribes that populate Dolvia’s city-states.

Familiar young characters from the previous series are taking adult roles and testing relative leadership abilities. Kristos el Arrivi meets Ariseng who is from a very different tribe and unwilling to harness her skills for the benefit of the group.

Will the young leaders learn to work together before their training is overwhelmed by a Ciska assassin group?

The Body Politics 3d covers

Praise for Stella Atrium’s Writing

Stella Atrium author of The Tribal Wars series

From Stella Atrium on The Matrix Opal

In this standalone novel, the reader will find a new protagonist and sidekick. Some side characters may seem familiar from the previous 5-book series. The writer style takes a turn in that narrators are multiple and not restricted to one section. 

I know the characters so well now, the challenge I set for myself was to speak in their voices. I’m so pleased with the effect, like each one is singing her own aria.

Bybiis is joined by more young, gifted characters. A powerful enemy emerges with child kidnappings and assassinations. The demands to grow paranormal talents are more than how to live well, or service to the community. The demand from leaders is to train the talents for strengthening group defenses.

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