Discover the early lives of your favorite characters in The Tribal War Series FREE ebook


Tribal Logic follows a group of people who find themselves struggling to survive in a world plagued by political turmoil and shifting loyalties. Could you please share what inspired the initial idea for this series and how it evolved as you were writing it?
Well, um… that’s a big question. I’ve been writing the series for over three decades. And maybe I learned how to write! The situations and characters get better with each book.
Political turmoil is a big theme in the series. In the previous book HOME RULE, the tribes gain a new leader and feel that they are united. With TRIBAL LOGIC, we expand the worldview to include a military coup at at Stargate Junction and a rescue mission into the asteroid field.
I like to think that the action reflects moments in our own world, like when the cosmonauts were in space for over a year and returned to find a dismantled Soviet Union.
For evolving themes, we added more magic into TRIBAL LOGIC. Characters begin to meet others from an elusive tribe with skills in making wards, charms, scripts and hexes – mostly to defend themselves. One new character is a young healer named Opin who can lay-on-hands for relief from a bleeding wound. I researched Indian and Middle Eastern traditions of healing and learned a great deal about our larger world too.
Were you able to achieve everything you wanted with the characters in the novel?
I see TRIBAL LOGIC as a pair to the next book UTCAN’S TALISMAN that will be released in August 2024. The story arch is satisfied over the two books. There are many characters, but we mostly follow the urge to connect between Jesse Hartley and Hershel Henry. Jesse is a flawed character – high-handed and a poor negotiator. We love to hate her and wonder how she will make a place for herself.
Dr. Greensboro is a primary character still, married to General Shaw. Her research has led her to a remote fishing village called Sergiio, but events bring the world to her door.
My principle is to show women in more roles than newlyweds or evil queens. I keep exploring how relations operate over time, how women make choices to keep the marriage fresh and manage the decades for child raising. The stories tend to stretch out rather than being satisfied with winning the day.
What was one of the hardest parts of Tribal Logic for you to write?
Each book section has its own narrator, so we see the world through the eyes of Jesse Hartley, then Dr. Greensboro, then Hershel Henry, then Bybiis el Putuki. Developing the individual voices so each section is personal and conversational with a specific point-of-view can be a challenge – and a reward.
After spending a hundred pages with Henry’s voice, we are jolted to encounter Bybiis’s view of him as a feckless philanderer, for example.
What is the next book that you are working on, and when can your fans expect it to be out?
UTCAN’S TALISMAN is Book Five in the series and slated for release in August 2024. Utcan is from the tribe with magic. His talisman is modeled after a found-in-nature “mermaid’s purse” that’s actually a folded seaweed frond where a shark has inserted a fetus for extra incubation. For sci-fi, I was able to embellish that idea to a talisman where the holder can peer through a hole in the head of a dead serpent and talk with another holder. Ha, ha… I love magic.